Bookseller Catalogs


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

241: BOOKS FROM THE MEDICAL LIBRARY OF MICHAEL T. KENNEDY, MD 66 books: AUTHORS: Karel B. ABSOLON; Francis ADAMS; John ALLEN; American College of Hospital Administrators; Frederick Grant BANTING; Henry Jacob BIGELOW; Michael BIDDISS; Theodor BILLROTH; Alfred BLALOCK; Nathaniel I. BOWDITCH; H. V. CARTER; Frederick F. CARTWRIGHT; Walter CHANNING; Charles G. CHILD; Ierome Bernard COHEN; Harvey CUSHING; Jared DIAMOND; J. Henry DIBLE; J. Wiley EDMANDS; Julie FAIRMAN; Rene G. FAVALORO; Julie M. FENSTER; Joshua FISHER; Reginald Huber FITZ; Maxim D. FRANK-KAMENETSKII; Rosalind FRANKLIN; Rene FULOP-Miller; John Farquhar FULTON; Martin GAY; William GLASSER; Marthe R. GOLD; Joseph GOLDBERGER; Richard GORDON; Henry GRAY; William Stewart HALSTED; Wallace P. HAMBY; Seale HARRIS; William HARVEY; HIPPOCRATES; Richard Manning HODGES; Charles T. JACKSON; Harold Daintree JOHNSON; William Williams KEEN; Howard A. KELLY; Geoffrey KEYNES; Robert KOCH; Alan M. KRAUT; Dominique Jean LARREY; John Rudd LEESON; Joseph LISTER; William P. LONGMIRE, Jr; Joan E. LYNAUGH; W. G. MACCALLUM; Leonard Portal MARK; Massachusetts General Hospital; James Ewing MEARS; Medical Society of the County of New York; Dwight R. MESSIMER; Willy MEYER; Midwifery Dispensary, New York; Roy L. MOODIE; William Thomas Green MORTON; Adam NEALE; Florence NIGHTINGALE; Ambroise PARE; Roswell PARK; Louis PASTEUR; Aegineta PAULUS; Joseph PFLUG; Carl ROKITANSKY; Kenneth J. ROTHMAN; Louise B. RUSSELL; Anne SAYRE; Victor SCHMIEDEN; Joanna E. SIEGEL; Madeline Earle STANTON; Douglas STARR; Paul STARR ; Thomas E. STARZL; John TRUSLER; George G. LINDESMITH; Bernard L. TUCKER; Alfred-Armand-Louis-Marie VELPEAU; Frank T. VERTOSICK; Grant E. WARD; James D. WATSON; Allen B. WEISSE ; Milton C. WEINSTEIN; Cecil WOODHAM-SMITH

SUBJECTS: Anatomy, Anesthesia, Anthrax , Art & medicine, Breast, Cardiology, Electrosurgery, Epidemics, Genetics, Hospitals, Insulin, Liver disease, Medical biography, Medical history, Midwifery, Military medicine, Neurology, Nursing, Pain, Pancreatic Hemorrhage, Pathology, Psychiatry, Public Health, Scientific history, Surgical Pathology, Swelling in limbs, War

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E-list #19: New Arrivals

By Main Street Fine Books & Manuscripts, Ltd.

E-list #19: New Arrivals Colombian gold, a Bette Davis-signed "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" and a sci-fi master's signed memoir rub shoulders with a Lincoln funeral eulogy, a Klondike Gold Rush classic and a rare signed Warren Buffett how-to in this 35-item new arrivals grab bag.

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